Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Daily skin care habits that could make you stay younger looking

One needs to maintain and sustain skin care habits that really produces amazing results such as washing, cleaning, and moisturizing the face at least twice a day. This is a tried and true beauty tips from high profile women for picture perfect image. Halle Berry uses products that contain triple fruit acid cleansers for her cleaning (Ebony, 2003). The fruit acid works great in exfoliating the skin while doing its cleansing function. She tones and cleanses her face in the morning and then applies vitamin C before putting on moisturizer.

Restore and revitalize your skin health at your personal home spa by simply soothing your stress. The technique is to massage some essential oils from your organic skin care products collection such as lavender or rosemary. Apply the essential oil or lotion on your face and neck. Massage with gentle strokes in an upward motion. Move slowly but remember not to pull your skin. You can use the pomegranate facial nourishing oil with moisturizers, blend of essential oils, and some special ingredients extracted from organic plants. The nourishing oil could penetrate and moisturize as well as nourish your skin immediately.

One of the ingredients that the pomegranate facial nourishing oil contains is the pomegranate seed oil that has extremely rich and nutritious properties. The pomegranate seed extract is popular for its beneficial cosmetics medicinal antioxidant properties. The punicic and ellagic acids of the pomegranate seed oil heal and moisturize dry, irritated, and cracked skin. The antioxidants also slow down skin aging and fights free radicals. This essential oil is a cost effective way to bring out stress, take care of your skin, and treat eczema or other minor skin irritations. Let your habit begin by using cost effective organic beauty skin care products with favorable plant extract ingredients.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Coat Conditioner & Crème Rinse, Tea Tree & Lavender

Tea Tree and Lavender Coat Conditioner and Crème Rinse is a luxurious crème conditioner that detangles, conditions, enriches, and revives your pet’s coat to bring out its soft, rich natural luster without using toxic chemicals.

Key Ingredients:

  • Tea Tree Oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties that soothe hot spots, itching, insect bites, and any other kind of skin irritations. Tea tree oil helps eliminate external parasites, gives your pet’s coat shine, and makes it smell great.
  • Pennyroyal Oil repels your pet’s fleas and itchy ticks. It definitely sends the fleas down the drain.
  • Comfrey extract is a natural herbal remedy for insect bites, skin irritations, and fleas.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Soothing Shampoo, Tea Tree & Red Clover

Soothing Shampoo, Tea Tree & Red Clover

Tea Tree and Red Clover Soothing Shampoo is an antimicrobial natural formula that helps you get rid of your pet’s odors, cleanses your pet’s coat thoroughly, and reduces itching.

Key Ingredients:

  • Tea Tree Oil has natural antibacterial and natural antimicrobial properties that can help eliminate fleas and ticks.
  • Red Clover deodorizes, cleans, and leaves your pet’s coat smelling fresh.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Holistic guide to achieving pure skin

The most important but very basic technique in achieving pure flawless skin is using organic beauty products for your skin care. You should be aware of the effects of using synthetic products on your skin and the benefits that you get from using organic skin care products. The human body is amazing but a bit complicated system that could empower self-regeneration with a little help from medical science. You can naturally maintain and enhance the beauty of the human body by first taking care of your skin using organic skin care products without harmful ingredients.

Most people try to achieve smoother glowing skin that looks fresh and spotless. No matter what you think and what it takes, it is never too late to attempt to have a sexy silky smooth glowing skin. However, most people are reactive when it comes to skin care than being proactive. They tend to choose and enjoy quick results in fighting skin imbalance for convenience. They would rather hide imperfections with cosmetics than scrubbing with sea salt and massaging with virgin olive oil.

The problem with skin care and maintaining smooth glowing skin is time. You really need to devote time to maintain a youthful looking skin. Organic skin care is the best way to nourish your skin and save your time. There are many organic skin care products in the internet that you can order for delivery. Save time and give less effort maintaining a young looking smooth glowing skin – use organic skin care!

The Egyptian fennel with rosemary and mint face cream is a good organic moisturizer that contains natural ingredients such as evening primrose oil, shea butter, and rice bran extract. The evening primrose oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is one type of fatty acid needed by your body for treating and preventing eczema and other itchy or scaly skin allergies. This is easy to apply and does not involve much time for the application.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Proper Skin Care - Keep Your Skin Moist

Adequate hydration is important in keeping your skin healthy and not looking dry, scaly, or even flaky. Although the skin is able to keep itself hydrated, it needs additional organic skin care to keep the surface layers soft and moist always. Organic skin moisturizers help protect and keep your surface layers from cracking and drying while helping you maintain the right sebum to inhibit the development and growth of skin microorganisms. The sebum volume may vary from season to season, which is the main reason that you need additional moisturizers to keep your skin moist and healthy.

The Egyptian fennel with rosemary and mint face cream is an organic skin care moisturizer that contains evening primrose oil and shea butter to protect your surface layers from the damaging effects of the sun naturally while helping you perform a bit of cell regenerating functions. The evening primrose oil is an extract from the evening primrose seed that you could use to treat eczema and dermatitis. The evening primrose oil is effective for treating skin rashes, redness, or scaling.

The shea butter has unique healing characteristics that could deliver relief to dry skin and treats other dermatological conditions such as blemishes, skin rashes, wrinkles, small skin cracks, and minor burns. Shea butter also helps even out skin tone and softens tough skin especially the stubborn skin on your heels. Shea butter could lessen any scarring found on the surface layers as well as reduce acne presence. Only the Egyptian fennel with rosemary and mint face cream moisturizer provides the greatest benefits that you would want to have for your skin care regimen.

You could use one technique when you are out shopping for your organic skin care products - read the ingredients. Always read the label and the ingredients of the product that you would likely choose. It is important that you know the functions of each ingredient to maximize your skin care efforts.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Teen Acne: How To Deal With It?

Addressing teenage pimples and acne problems as well as figuring out what causes the condition is tragic for the affected teen as well as the parents. About 90% of the young ones experience occasional breakout of pimples while 9 out of 10 deals with either acne or pimples issue at some point during their growing years. Acne issues are really that terrible that sometimes affects the confidence as well as the social life of the teen. Acne could result to unsightly scars. Scars do produce another level of emotional and psychological issues.

Acne maintains the characteristics of a stubborn, elusive, and resourceful disease. It was described as elusive and resourceful because of its ability to inhibit itself from even the most aggressive medical treatment. Acne is very unpredictable and seems to appear as well as disappear in any region of the body without reason. In addition, acne is very much capable of producing unsightly physical scars that could disfigure the face as well as lacerate the affected person’s psyche. Loss of beauty leads to loss of self-confidence. Loss of confidence generates less achiever.

The treatment of acne scars is usually done using cosmetics and cosmetic chemistry. The mild or even occasional acne breakouts could create permanent scars. The best way to avoid other skin problems is to use organic skin care for your cleansing, toning, and moisturizing routine. The Nature’s Oasis lavender and avocado foaming facial cleanser removes makeup, excess oil, and dirt completely. This organic facial cleanser prevents you from developing skin blemishes as well as reduces your large pores. The Nature’s Oasis lavender and avocado foaming facial cleanser contains natural ingredients such as evening primrose and wattle seed that help to cleanse, clarifies, and refines your skin.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Toning your pimples

You have two choices to make your skin look flawless - Learn to control your emotions or trigger your pimples!

Rich foods or emotional disturbances trigger acne or pimples that produce unsightly scars to your face. One good way to treat them naturally is making a guava recipe decoction. Chopped about 1 to 2 cups of guava leaves. Boil in water for a maximum of 5 minutes. Do not leave and do other things during this time. Let the water cool and then use it as your facial skin lotion. Use a cotton ball and dab the liquid on your face. This is beneficial in treating acne, pimples, skin sores, rashes, and itching skin.

Another technique is to make a homemade guava lotion. This all-natural home formulation uses only 500 g of fresh guava or 250 g of dried guava fruit. Cover the fruit with water and then simmer until you observe the liquid is already thick. Let it cool and then use a cotton ball to spots of areas of your face that were affected by pimples, acne, eczema, or prickly heat rash. Use this guava lotion at least 2 to 3 times a day.

Cleansing your face is necessary to avoid pimples or any other skin disturbances. You can make a homemade guava cleanser if you love the smell and feel of the guava fruit. Mix a 50 g of pure honey with 5 ml guava vinegar, 1 tsp grated lemon rind, and 1 tsp guava powder. Massage the natural cleanser to your face. Please note that this needs a moist skin during application. You can do this after taking your shower. Rinse with water. Apply the cleanser at least twice a day.

Cleansing without the tiresome cooking! You can buy Pangea Organics Egyptian calendula and blood orange face cleanser online. This is absolutely hassle free and very effective organic skin care facial toner.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Skin Care Treatment For Acne

Acne is a tough skin condition that you need to consider having an appointment with a professional dermatologist for the management and treatment of your acne. Discuss the prognosis and diagnosis of your acne. Try to obtain an open door relationship with your dermatologist. This would mean allowing you to visit again in case the prescribed acne treatment did not work out for you. Acne could be a tragic condition that would greatly affect your self-confidence and social life if not treated.

Acne is part of your growing up process where the internal glands generate more hormones to stimulate the oil glands. Unfortunately, these oil glands are located in the face, back, and chest regions of your body. Acne grows in size making the layer of your skin surface thick at the same time. This process slows down the escape of oil to the surface of the skin. Acne could increase its activity with continuous bacterial build up on blocked pores. Although keeping your skin clean as much as possible will not eliminate your acne problems, it would eliminate other skin troubles and reduce clogging of clogging of pores.

Organic skin care products could help remove dirt, stagnated oils, and clogged up glands without damaging your skin from harmful ingredients. You will feel safe and confident your choice for the organic skin care products could help you achieve a flawless smoother complexion. The modern trend of cleaning your face with mild soap and water at least 4 or 5 times a day could be tedious especially when you are working. Use one of the best organic skin care products that you can bring with you anywhere.

The Pangea Organics Italian green mandarin with sweet lime face toner is a spray type of toner that would clean and tone your face anytime you feel you need one. Eliminate the hassle of washing with soap and water when you are out on business trip and conferences. Use the organic skin care toner Pangea Organics French Rosamary with sweet orange face toner for your on-the-go cleansing and toning beauty care.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Facial expression and nonverbal communication

Expressions of emotions are in complete agreement with your looks. Communication with lack of attention increases stress on people who want to get things done immediately in an efficient way. The best way to deal with lack of attention is to care for your beauty and your facial expression. Use organic skin care products to transmit vitality and can do attitude in a very effective way. Having a smooth, clean, and clear skin make any person stare and listen to what you say attentively. Expression matters during communication specifically the health of your skin. Nobody would want to look and listen to a person with dull and dry looking skin regardless of the importance of the topic. Myth or reality??

There are some facets in life that you may not accept but indirectly affects potential for growth and success. One of them is your facial skin care. The primary challenge of wearing dull, dry, unattractive skin is social response. You get less for less skin care. Cope up with the challenges of life’s competition through perfect organic skin care regimen. Influence cooperation and make them listen to you. Enhance your facial looks by caring for the appearance of your skin. Healthy looking skin reflects a healthy lifestyle and happy person.

One thing is clear. Nobody would want to stare and listen to a face with dry skin. Even though you put on makeup, the natural health of your skin still shows and makes your makeup application look a bit funny. The John Masters Organics Green Tea & Rose Hydrating Serum nourishes and provides intense moisture to your skin. It contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cell regenerating properties that will help you maintain the needs of your skin. Sustain the ph balance of your skin and make this hydrating serum a part of your anti-aging skin care regimen. Beauty is one thing but skin care products totally support your beauty efforts.